New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

Hello everyone, in this article we will see how to change the color of the volume panel the latest notification panel on Samsung phones. For those of you who have tried the features of the goodlock application from our previous article.

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

You must know how to change and customize the notification panel color. On latest update on our previous article, you can change the notification panel color on the “theme park” module.

Well, now on the latest update there is a new feature that you can use to change the color of the volume panel. So, you can customize the volume panel with colors according to the theme you want. You can also directly adjust the theme for light mode and dark mode.

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

In addition, there is also the addition of the latest feature from the QuickStar module on this new GoodLock update, which is called style your own quick panel themes. This feature is also directly integrated with the theme park module on this latest update.

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

First, we will try the newest theme park module. to try the latest features on the latest update of theme park, you can first update the theme park module. You can check the previous article if you don’t understand how to update the module or how to install goodlock on your smart phone. After successfully installing the theme park module to the latest version.

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

You can open the theme park application. On this latest update this time, you can immediately get a new feature update in the theme park module called the volume panel. You can immediately see in the bottom menu. In addition to the theme, keyboard and quick panel. Now you can also directly open the volume panel.

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

If on the previous update, a new quick panel option has been added to this theme park module. now on the latest update, the volume panel has also been added.

To make the volume panel display according to the color you like, you can directly click the “Create New” button here, several color recommendations will appear that you can choose immediately.

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

For the default theme, it will appear automatically and if the colors don’t match, you can exit and click the “Create New” button again.

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

Then the default color will change immediately. Later you can get several different default themes if you go back and press the “create new” button again.

If there is already a default color that suits your likes, you can directly customize the volume panel for the orange icon color can also be changed directly from this section.

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

For example, let’s change it to blue and we can change the color of the icon from this section. here let’s just leave the icon color black. the background color can also be changed from this menu, so you just have to customize the appearance to whatever you like so here’s the look that we’ve customized for the light mode display.

See Also:   Latest GoodLock Update on Android 11 One UI 3.0 - Complete Tips on How to Install GoodLock in 2021

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

And you can also customize the dark mode display by pressing the sun icon and now you can customize it its dark mode display.

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

For example, the view we want is like and now we have set the display for dark mode and also light mode. To save the color display that we have customized in this volume panel, we can just click this down arrow icon then we just give it a name.

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

And we just type the name and save the theme and now we can immediately get a new theme display for the volume panel to apply it, just click on this theme.

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

Then here there will be a display for the light mode and dark mode that we have customized earlier. for resetting you can select “load” and to use this theme you can directly “apply” by clicking the lower right button.

And now the display when you are changing the volume panel will appear like this and for the dark mode display will look like this.

Update Theme Park - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

For the display color of course, you can immediately adjust it according to what you want for the color of course you can change it as you like in this theme park menu.

Then the next update is also in the QuickStar module. now in the latest Quick Star module, you can find a new feature called “style your own quick panel”.

Update QuickStar - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

New menu “style your own quick panel” can be used to directly change the color of this quick panel if in the previous update you can find themes- the theme to change the quick panel in the theme park module and now all the themes that you have customized in the previous theme park module, can be directly accessed via the quick star module. Here you can immediately find the themes that you have created.

Update QuickStar - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

Then at the bottom you can also find several recommended themes you can directly select these recommended themes, and later the quick panel will immediately change according to the recommended colors.

After selecting several recommended themes, later the theme will go directly to your theme so you can change it directly in this section and you can also access the recommended theme that you have chosen from the theme park module. So, in the latest update this time.

Update QuickStar - New Features To Customize Volume Panel Color On Samsung Phones

In addition to adding features to customize the volume of this panel, there are also some additional features for integrating the theme park module and the quick star module so for the theme to change this quick panel now you can find it in the quick star module or in the theme park module.

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You can also check the video version here: