Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11 | One UI 3.0 & 3.1

Hello everyone. In this article, we will see some of the new features on the latest update of the sound assistant application. From the latest update of the Sound Assistant application recently, you can immediately get some of the new interesting features.

One of the most interesting features on this application update is the “Bluetooth metronome” features which you can use to adjust the sound delay from your Bluetooth speaker or from your Bluetooth earphone.

Bluetooth metronome - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

So, you can set the sound produced out of the phone to a Bluetooth speaker or to a Bluetooth earphone. So that you don’t feel any delay on sound of the video or the sound of the game that you are playing. This is certainly quite useful for those of you who use Bluetooth earphones which still feel quite delayed.

Bluetooth metronome - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

Then, there is also the latest feature in the S21 series on this Sound Assistant update that called custom vibration. You can use this feature to adjust the vibration according to what you want.

custom vibration - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

So, on this update you can adjust the vibrations that are generated by your smartphone. For the timing also the intensity of the vibration, you can easily choose to whatever you like on this latest update.

custom vibration - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

Okay, now let’s just take a look at the latest features in the Sound Assistant update. To install the latest version of the Sound Assistant application, you can check the method in our previous video at the link in the upper right corner.

After successfully installing the latest Sound Assistant module update on your Smartphone. You can directly open the application. Here you can open the application through the FineLock application or from app drawer directly. And now you can get some of the latest features on this update.

Sound Assistant - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

For the settings, it looks quite the same as the previous version. For “volume panel themes” here you can change the appearance of the volume panel when you lower the volume and also increase the volume.

Sound Assistant - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

For the display, it will look like this and here you can also change the color. For example, here we set it to yellow. And the display when you set the volume will look like this.

Sound Assistant - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

For the default it looks like this and here you can also “custom” the color and the appearance a little bigger than using this Sound Assistant.

Sound Assistant - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

So, if you activate the volume panel themes in the Sound Assistant application, it will look smaller like this, and you can change the color from this section. and in the “set details” at the bottom there is also a left or right layout.

Sound Assistant - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

So, for those of you who are left-handed, you can set the volume setting on the left. So, when you adjust the volume, it will appear on the left side. and to return it to the right, just select the right in the layout section.

Then for other features, the media volume control looks the same on this section. The “individual app volume” feature is also still available. And the latest new update here is “media manner mode”.

media manner mode - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

So, the function of this “media manner mode” is so that the sound from the video or the sound from the song like on Spotify or in other music player applications, will not make a sound when you activate the vibrate mode or mute mode.

If you don’t activate this feature when you activate vibrate mode or mute mode. The sound from the media will still be heard, even if you activate this mute/vibrate mode, if you are turning on a song and turning on a video.

media manner mode - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

This often happens if you forget to lower the volume of the media. So now, when you activate this “media manner mode” feature when your phone is set to “mute” or to the “vibrate” option. The sound from the media will not be heard even if you forget to lower the volume when you watch a video or play music previously.

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This “change step volume” feature is also still available in this latest update. This feature is to adjust the volume in more detail. So, the volume will only increase by 1 percent.

change step volume - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

So, adjusting the volume will take longer time as compared to 10 steps. The default here is 10 steps. So, you just need to press a few times to increase it to 100%.

And if you want more detailed volume settings, you can set it to 1 percent. And when adjusting the volume it will take more time, but you can set the volume in more detail.

change step volume - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

This feature has also been already available on previous versions. Then, the next “Multi sound” feature is also still available in this update. You can use this feature to turn on the sound from an application, without turning off the sound from another application.

Multi sound - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

For example, here you can select the Spotify application, So the Spotify application will continue to play songs even though other applications also play other media.

Multi sound - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

For example, if you turn on a song from the Spotify application, then you open Instagram Story. Then, the sound of music from Spotify will still be played even if you play a video with sound on Instagram Story.

Then the “Separate app sound” feature is also still there to separate certain sound sources to certain speakers.

Separate app sound - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

For example, if you only want to turn on Spotify to the speaker and not include any sound from other applications. Here you just have to activate it and select the application you want to play the sound on to the speaker. For this feature also already exists from the previous version.

Separate app sound - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

And the new feature in this update is this “Bluetooth metronome”.

Bluetooth metronome - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

You can immediately use the “Bluetooth metronome” feature to synchronize sound so you don’t hear delays on Bluetooth earphones or Bluetooth speakers. For those of you who use Bluetooth earphones or Bluetooth speakers that still feel quite delayed, you can take advantage of this feature.

Bluetooth metronome - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

To activate this feature, all you have to do is connect your smartphone to Bluetooth earphones. And you just have to listen to the sound produced from speaker and “Bluetooth Metronome” is where you just adjust the sound according to the numbers mentioned.

Then next thing is “sound quality and effects” at the bottom. This feature has also been already available on the previous version.

sound quality and effects - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

And lastly in “Advanced settings” there are also several other features. For One 3.1 version on S21+, you also get a new menu or feature called custom vibrations.

custom vibrations - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

In this menu you can “create pattern” for the generated vibration. Here you can set it for phone calls or for notifications.

Here you can directly “create pattern” by pressing the screen. Here you can select the highest vibration, the “mid” and also the “low”.

custom vibrations - Check All New Features of Sound Assistant App For Samsung Smartphones with Android 11

To adjust the duration and the vibration pattern, you just have to tap on it like this, according to the vibration that you want to create. And when you play later the vibration will be played just like what you created earlier.

So, if you want to set the duration of the vibration and also the intensity level of the vibration according to what you want. You can set it on this custom vibrations section.

If you have any questions or comments, you can immediately write them in the comments section down below, or you can ask questions directly in our telegram group at the following link or ask directly on our Instagram DM at @santertainment.

You can also check the video version here: