How to Activate Cool Animation Effects on Samsung Keyboard – New Keys Cafe Application on Lates Good Lock Update

In this article we will take a look at the latest updates of Good Lock application. In this latest Good Lock app, there is a new module called Keys Cafe. You can use this Keys Cafe module to customize your Samsung keyboard more advanced than before.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - Animasi Keys Cafe

In another article, we will also share a video about customizing keyboard for changing your smartphone symbols and background. On this latest Keys Cafe of Good Lock app, you can now customize your keyboard more advanced. You can customize many things from the keyboard, not just the background and the symbols.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - Ubah Background Keyboard

Okay, now let’s install this app and see what are the features on it.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - aplikasi nice lock

To install the Keys Cafe, you first need to install Nice Look app.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - modul keys cafe di dalam aplikasi nice lock

On Nice Lock app, all you have to do is looking for Keys Cafe and download the app through the Nice Lock app. If you still don’t know how to install Good Lock on your smartphone, you can check our previous article.

After successfully installing the Good Lock, you can now install the Keys Cafe module. Here we use the Nice Lock, then we immediately click on the Keys Cafe module.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - open support thread

From here, we can directly tap on Open Support Thread.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - downloader companion website

Then, we just have to scroll and tap on the downloader companion website.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - icon keys cafe di website downloader companion

On this website, scroll and look for Keys Cafe at the bottom. Here, tap on the Keys Cafe icon. From this point, just scroll and look for the APK download button. This is the first version of Keys Cafe which just launched on October 16, 2020.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - Icon aplikasi keys cafe launching oktober 2020

Download the app by clicking on this down arrow on the right.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - tombol download APKs

Then, scroll and click on the download APK button.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - klik tombol install keys cafe

then open the downloaded APK for installing.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - set samsung keyboard untuk pakai keys cafe

If you don’t use the default Samsung keyboard, you are being asked to set the Samsung keyboard first. From here, go into the settings, then select the Samsung keyboard.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - aplikasi keys cafe

Keys Cafe is the newest feature from Good Lock app. The Keys Cafe app focuses on customizing the default Samsung keyboard. There are many options for you to make your own keyboard such as style your own keyboard and play keyboard games.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - keys cafe bagian style your own keyboard

The settings that we’ve done in another article were part of this Keys Café app settings. So, if you have already apply the previous video and saved some keyboard themes, you can immediately open it in the “style your own keyboard”.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - tema yang sudah dikustomisasi di bagian atas

In this app, you can activate it from this upper part to make the previous keyboard settings available here. Here, there are keyboards themes that we have set up in another video. So, the feature in the Theme Park in that video is also part of this Keys Café app.

You can also add the keyboard style, and this is exactly the same as the setting on another video. If you want to change the keyboard settings, you just need to check out that video.

Here let’s discuss new things that haven’t covered on that video and see what are the latest features that were not in the previous app.

Inside the “style your own keyboard” setting, there are various kinds of keyboards along with its themes that you can choose right away. For the top part, this is the theme that you have customized before.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - di dalam setting style your own keyboard

All the themes that you have saved will appear in this section. For the default themes are available at the bottom.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - berbagai tema default bawaan keys cafe

There are various kinds of themes with numerous default colors that you can choose for your keyboard color. You can select one of the themes and apply it in this section. The theme will go straight to the top of this section.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - tema yang sudah dipilih di keys cafe

 This is your chosen theme. When you are typing, the keyboard will immediately appear with this chosen themes.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - tampilan saat sedang mengetik dengan keys cafe tema gelap dan efek RGB warna-warni

Uniquely, this Keys Café application also comes with some interesting effects that are visible on the background of the keyboard. All you have to do is just type the letters and there will be a very interesting animations on the keyboard background. The color looks pretty cool and it look likes an RGB effect and the color appears automatically while typing.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - tab colors dan effect di bagian bawah style your own keyboard

To change the background effect on the keyboard, you can select it on “style your own keyboard” option. Then at the bottom there will be an options for colors and effects on the right tab, just click on the right tab and there are lots of effects that you can choose for the keyboard.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - tampilan tab effects di keys cafe

You can also choose and customize the keyboard colors or the keyboard effects. There are also some preset colors that you can choose directly and also the effects that you can easily customize for the keyboard.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - Keyboard color effect dan key color effect

This is the Color Effect for keyboard, then at the bottom is the Key Color Effect. For the Keyboard Color Effect, this is the color effect that will appear on the keyboard background.

There will be some pretty cool animation on the back of the keyboard while typing. Key Color Effect is an animation or color that appears on top of the keyboard keys.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - animasi key color effect

Here, you can choose the animation that you like. For the Key Color Effect, there are various animations that you can choose from.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - key motion effect

Then at the bottom, there is also the Key Motion Effect. This is the default one, the press motion, then the right one is the pop-up motion.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - model pop up di key motion effect

So there is a pop-up animation on the keyboard button on this Key Motion Effect setting that we can choose. From here you can also choose a rainbow color and the color will change automatically like this.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - pilihan warna di untuk efeknya di keys cafe

There are many effects that you can choose from this effect option. In this setting section you can also choose the color as you like. There are four colors here that you can choose from by clicking the “plus” icon here than simply pick the color.

Here, let’s choose blue and for other colors you can also select in this section. After activating the color, you can see the effect while typing. For example, when typing using a dark theme it will look quite interesting like this.

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Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - tampilan saat sedang mengetik dengan keys cafe tema gelap dan efek RGB warna-warni

The colors will be visible enough on the background and on the keyboard button. You can also choose this animation in the setting like we did.

You can also change the animation model for the background as well as the buttons. This is a quite interesting thing to customize a lot of things on your Samsung keyboard by using the Keys Cafe app.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - Make your own keyboard

Let’s move to the “make your own keyboard” section. This one is not available yet in the previous Theme Park. Click on “make your own keyboard” to activate the application. Then, here are the options for English and its symbols.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - Tampilan simpel keyboard

Let’s try the simple keyboard, and this is the initial appearance of it.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - edit keyboard

Here you can edit the keyboard appearance. After clicking the edit button, here are the keyboard view that we can customize.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - help button

If you are confused, you can tap on help button. here you can also find a reset button. To add a new line, you can actually add it here and you can also import the keyboard from this section.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - dua baris di keyboard keys cafe

Here we’ve just added two lines: there’s  a row for numbers, and we can also add a row for emojis like this.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - maksimal tambah 3 baris

Let’s add more rows to see how many rows we can add. There are 3 additional rows that you can add with this Keys Cafe app.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - Setting ukuran emoji dengan klik tanda plus

At the very top, you can add navigation for the keyboard. For each keyboard keys, you can customize one by one by the keys. For example, if you often use one of these emojis and you want to increase the size, you just have to tap and enlarge it by clicking on the “+” symbol.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - setting lebar tombol keyboard

For the rightmost, the full width will look like this. You can adjust it by the size, for example if you want it this big. You can swipe it to the right, you can also set the margin of each keys.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - set margin


You can choose the right margin, top margin or bottom margin. You can set the left margin so the distance can be further from the left button.

For the right margin you can also make it like this, if you feel it is too close. For the top distance you can also put it further away like this and you can also set the lower distance like this.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - ganti tombol sesuka hati

Here you can select other emojis in this icon. For example, here we replace it with another emoji icon. Then the emoji that we chose earlier will immediately appear in this button section.

You can also change the letters if you want to or you can customize the symbols. To customize the symbols, we have to save it first. For example, save and name the layout, then click the save button. To change the symbol choose the one below.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - ganti huruf dan simbol ada 2 page

Here let’s click edit as before, then here you can see two pages that you can change. There is a symbol page for the first page and this  is the second page.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - bagian untuk ganti simbol

For these symbols, if you feel there is a symbol that you rarely use or you want to change its position, you can customize it in this section as well.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - ganti simbol dengan emoji

For example, if you want to replace this symbol with another one, you just have to look for it in this section. You can immediately replace it with emojis or with other symbols.

You can easily adjust the keyboard according to your needs. Then when you tap on the icon it will immediately change to these buttons. You just have to choose the icon according to what you want to change. You can also adjust the size and the height.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - save keyboard yang sudah dikostumisasi

After completing the keyboard customization, we can immediately save the keyboard at this symbol. Just click this button and name the keyboard, and the keyboard will be saved immediately.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - edit ulang keyboardnya

To customize the keyboard that you’ve  csaved before, you can re-edit by opening it, then click edit at the bottom.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - hapus keyboard dengan hold dan seret ke bagian atas layarnya

To delete the keys on the keyboard, you just have to hold and drag them to the top, and the keys will be deleted immediately. So, if there is a button that you want to delete, you can immediately press it like this and hold on to the top.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - delete tombol terakhir harus tekan di bagian bawahnya

For the last button you have to click the delete button and the line will immediately disappear. Here is the looks of the keyboard after re-customization, you can save the keyboard again to replace the previous theme or you can change the name to save it with another name.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - Play keyboard game

Then at the very bottom there is also the “Play Keyboard game” section. These are games that you can play on the keyboard. Here is the sentence practice. To play this game, you can start right away, then you can immediately type in the sentence that appear at the top.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - gameplay sentence practice

This is a fast-speed and the better accuracy typing game. The accuracy is on the left and the speed is one the right. To make the video short, we will not continue this game but let’s try the other one.

Tips Aplikasi Keys Cafe Terbaru Good Lock - gameplay word rain

This is a word rain game, let’s select English then click start. On this game, we have to type the words dropped from the top. We just need to type the words that come down and if you type it correctly, the words will be disappear. So, you can also play simple games like this in the Keys Cafe app. The games are still related to typing and the keyboard.

If you have questions or comments, you can immediately comment in the comments section down below or you can also ask directly on our telegram group at the following link You can also ask question via DM on our Instagram account at @santertainment.

You can also checkout the full video about keys cafe features here: